11. OutdoorLads.com
As a gay outdoor pursuits group, each month we run a wide range of activities: from camping, hostelling, hillwalking and indoor climbing, to the more extreme activities like gorge scrambling, ice climbing, technical mountain biking and many more. There's something for everyone, no matter what your interest.
click here for further information Hits: [1412] |
13. The Sailing & Cruising Association | Home of Gay Sailing
Welcome to the Sailing & Cruising Association. We are a dynamic LGBT sailing and powerboat club that has been active since 1980, open to all who either own boats or just want to get afloat. We are a virtual sailing club with around 450 members all over the UK and beyond, with over 120 members owning boats of all shapes and sizes. All our members share a common interest in yachting (sail and power), whether it is to skipper their own boat, crew for others or get together to charter, either at home or overseas.
click here for further information Hits: [1255] |
14. The Warwick Rowers | Proudly getting naked for club and community since 2009
Thanks for coming to visit our little boathouse on the internet. We are probably best known around the world for our naked calendars, but we're also a real sports team, and have produced Olympic and world class competitive rowers.
Our calendars help us to fund our sport, and enable us to do our own outreach programme to young people called Sport Allies. Here you can find out what we're up to, how our training is going, and how you can help us with our work to combat bullying and homophobia in schools.
Please support these guys by buying one of their naked calendars or related products!
click here for further information Hits: [881] |